Driving / Riding

Driving and Riding in Malta

People say Malta is crazy for their driving.  There are far worse drivers in the world.  They say the Maltese drive in the shade (swerving all over the road - to avoid potholes mainly)

Very rarely used correctly.  If indicators are used, they are mostly used incorrectly.

Drivers here rarely use indicators.  Watch out! 

Dual Carriageways
If a driver chooses the right lane, they would normally stay in that lane.  Forcing others to use the left lane to overtake (undertake).  Not good for an insurance claim... so choose wisely whether or not to undertake.

Aggressive Drivers
They will tailgate you, hover behind you and beep their horn.  Just let the idiots pass. Don't let your ego get in the way of good judgement.

Road Surface
At times, it is like driving on the moon.  Mostly. the only good surfaces are those prepared to be used when the Queen, or Pope were visiting.

The poor Ducati feels everything

Particularly during tourist season... They will walk out infront of you without using the crossings.  And often look the other way before crossing.

Two tourist hailing a bus on the other side of the road (they never saw me)

Water on the Road
For bikers generally.  If you see a trail of water on the road, avoid!! It is like riding on oil.  You will often find a bus or water truck ahead leaking water.

Maltese drainage, water is often drained from yards to the road.  Deadly on corners

Water bowser that leaks water on the road

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